Thursday, August 7, 2014

Exciting things!

Okay, so I am working on getting scarves ready to be ahead of the game come fall! In order to provide a product in the meantime, I have listed some super cute House Stark Direwolf sigil fingerless gloves from Game of Thrones, one pair in each size. I knit them in the traditional gray-on-white, and a pair offered in the reverse as well. I only have three listed, so hurry on and get them!!! Otherwise, if I sell out, I will add them for custom order :)

I currently have FOUR completed scarf bases (which is a lot when you take in how CRAZY my summer has been with my day job) and am working on a fifth. YAY!!!!

Above all, I am more grateful than any of you wonderful people will ever know for your business, kind words, and favoriting of my items. You are all amazing to work with and I love sharing in geekery with you!