This post is an update on the interesting developments of my Etsy shop. I had a very good holiday season in regards to sales in my shop after having only made it public in October and not doing any advertising (and phew, it was a lot of work knitting 5 scarves in just a couple of months, but now I know it's possible!). Since then I decided not to do any major promotion of my shop; instead I've been working on getting scarf "bases" knit up to try to get ahead of next season so that each scarf will only take a week or so to finish. So keep an eye out for which colors I have in stock and ready to be stitched!!
In other news, I was asked by a friend of mine, Kiki of NiCoralCrafts, to assist in her booth at SpringCON this year!! It's very exciting, and I have begun working on some items that will definitely make their way into my shop after the event. Here is a taste -
Batman Wristband, Large/Men's
Batman headband, Small
Who wouldn't love to own a super-cute craft like these?? ^_^ I knit up the base in acrylic and then cut out felt and glue it together using felt glue. The felt loosens up without falling off. Wonderful!